Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Let She Who Understands the Great Commission NOT Cast Any Stones

Ann Coulter has responded to all the criticism she received for her column about Dr. Kent Brantly.  She starts with the following:

“There was some hubbub about my column last week, where I complained about Christians, like Dr. Kent Brantly, who abandon America to do much-praised work in Third World countries.”  You can read her column at Let He is without Ebola cast the first stone.   

Much like her absurd columns about soccer during the World Cup, instead of actually, possibly, remotely, thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is some remote chance that, well, golly, maybe she deserved the criticism, she just heaps more nonsense on about not doing enough in America.  She again misunderstands the “ends of the earth” message Jesus gave to his disciples, and by extension, to all Christians, just before he left for heaven.

Ann is a lawyer.  As such, she knows that last words matter.  Wills are important because they tell us what someone’s last thoughts were about who should get their stuff.  The law of evidence permits dying declarations as an exception to the rule that hearsay normally doesn’t get into evidence because we accept the idea that it would be peculiar for people to lie on their deathbed or as they lay dying after a shooting or accident.  If we sinful dopes can figure out that last words matter, then what about the last words of Jesus?  Matthew 28:19 – 20 says: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age. (RSV).  Do these words matter?

I am not a Greek scholar, but I took a quick look at the Greek rendering of all in this passage.  My understanding is because there is no article here, the Greek word  for "all" means all in the highest degree.  All nations (which probably is better rendered all “people groups”) means literally all of them.

Ann asks for logical argumentation about what she said.  I know Ann Coulter will never read my blog, nor will anyone ever mention it to her, but I offer the following arguments anyway.

1.         Did Jesus actually say the words from Matthew 28:19 – 20?  If he did, then they matter.  If he didn’t then we get to make up our own Christianity and it can be Americhristianity if you want.  But, if words don’t matter, then why should I take any of your words seriously, Ann?  You seem to think words matter.  I believe you think they do.  Thus, what Jesus said matters.

2.         If the words matter, then we have to understand what they mean.  All means all here.  It doesn’t mean some, it doesn’t mean most, it doesn’t mean 99%.  All actually requires that people go to all peoples and spread the gospel.  That means, Ann, that some people will actually have to go to places outside America.  I agree with you America is in desperate need, but America has enormous wealth and ability to act here and elsewhere as well.  We have the capacity to do both, and, therefore, a responsibility to do both.  Some people are going to go outside the states and that’s not only okay, it’s biblical.

3.         How does it make someone a narcissist to do something that Christ has ordained?  I had never heard of Dr. Kent Brantly until this incident.  I suspect if he hadn’t gotten Ebola none of us would have heard of him, including you.  He would have done what many such people have done – gone to Africa (or wherever), done his thing, come back home, no one the wiser.  Maybe a handful of people would know.  Few if any missionaries get accolades when they come back.  There are no parades for them.  Narcissists?  Kim Kardashian is a narcissist.  These folks are just Christians trying to follow the Great Commission the best they can and know how.  Just because you have a different opinion or don't understand their motivation doesn’t make you right, Ann. 

4.         Since it would appear we have a Jesus mandated duty to go to all nations, and Kent Brantly was doing just that, how exactly was he not following the words of Christ?  What biblical commandment did he fail to follow by not staying in America?  Where is the “thou shalt stay in America and evangelize there and only there” in the Bible?  I haven’t seen that one, but maybe it’s in my favorite book: First Hezekiah.

You see, Ann, there are some fundamental, biblical problems with what you are saying.  So, stop trying to justify yourself and apologize.  Show a little humility.  Fess up and admit you done wrong.  You know what?  Many of us will forgive and forget.  I’ll be Kent Brantly will be the first in line.

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