Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Senator Reid and President Obama's Moral Compass Points Straight to Hell

“It’s our responsibility in the Senate to assure that American women have access to care,” Minority Leader Harry Reid said. “It’s our obligation to protect our wives, our sisters, our daughters, our granddaughters — protect them from the absurd policies of a Republican Party that’s lost its moral compass.”

Senator Reid made this statement in the face of the callous videos which have surfaced showing executives from the Planned Non-Parenthood casually discussing its sale of body parts following abortions.  Note that Planned Parenthood isn’t selling dog parts, or cat parts, or even ant or amoeba parts; no, Planned Parenthood is selling human body parts.  The reason Senator Reid must spout such nonsense is that the Democratic party has inextricably tied itself to abortion on demand as an inalienable right of all women in the United States and Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of abortions in the country.  Hillary Clinton has leaped to its defense, as has the Obama administration.

Interestingly, none of Planned Parenthood’s defenders are following the advice of Janet Harris, about whom I wrote (here), who suggested abortion advocates stop arguing about the morality of abortion.  Senator Reid should have taken her advice because his statement is utterly irrational, unreasonable and, frankly, laughable.

Unless by “access to care” Senator Reid means access to abortions provided by Planned Parenthood, then no Republican was arguing against “access to care.”  Thus, I guess we are to take away from Senator Reid’s comment that access to care truly must mean access to abortions provided by Planned Parenthood.  If what he meant was access to abortion, shouldn’t he have simply said so?  If abortion is an inalienable right, or is, at least, a moral good, than why the euphemistic language?  Why not just say abortion is a moral good?  Senator Reid can’t say abortion is a moral good because people are realizing that very young babies in utero are no longer just “fetuses” or “tissue” but are actual human beings whose body parts are being sold for profit, like the new Apple watch or something.  Moreover, arguing that an organization which cold-heartedly seeks to profit by organ harvesting after cruelly cutting off a human life deserves government funding seems a little odd.  Typically, elected officials like to be seen as protecting life, especially human life, right?  Senator Reid is engaging in political doubletalk, reminiscent of Orwell’s 1984.  So the moral compass to which Senator Reid refers obviously means the moral compass that points to abortion on demand as an inviolable moral good.

Moreover, Senator Reid makes no actual connection between “access to care” and the Republicans Party losing its “moral compass.”  This statement presumes two things: (1) “access to care” whatever that means, is a moral good and (2) the Republican Party used to think “access to care” was a good idea but has changed its mind.  Well, if access to care means abortion on demand, and abortion on demand is the moral good Harry Reid is proclaiming, then the Republican party has never had its moral compass pointing in the correct direction.  Thus, it hasn’t lost its moral compass, as it either never had one or was always pointing the wrong way.  This is simply following Senator Reid’s statements to their logical conclusion.  So we now know that can’t be what Senator Reid meant, right?  He wouldn’t say something so starkly absurd, and lacking any logic, right?

You see, Janet Harris was ironically correct.  If you are going to be pro-abortion, you can’t try to stake out the moral high ground because it simply isn’t there.  Medical science is making clearer and clearer that babies in the womb are just that: babies.   Human babies, at that.  They’re not “undifferentiated tissue” or some other scientific sounding way of making them less human.  Moreover, the sale of body parts is making clear what most reasonable people have always known: abortion is the killing of a human being.  Senator Reid’s statement is pure political baloney, designed to assuage the consciences of everyone who wants abortion on demand.  Whether it makes sense or not is wholly irrelevant.  He’s performing political theater, strutting and fretting his hour upon the stage, until he is heard no more.

BREAKING STORY: As I was writing this, it turns out President Obama told a group of African college students that selling human body parts was immoral.  Oh, sure the context was different (apparently some African groups will kill African albinos, then sell their body parts), but aren’t human beings, all human beings?  That’s exactly what President Obama told these students.  Yet, in his world, apparently unless you make it outside of your mother’s womb, you aren’t human.  His administration jumped on the Planned Non-Parenthood defense team, stoking fires of “extremist” by claiming that somehow the because the videos were the work of alleged “extremists” this means they should be disregarded.  (Never mind the videos show what they show, and the Planned Parenthood executives are saying what they are saying – that’s not relevant in the Obama-Reid world).

Apparently, then, one’s moral compass need point only in whatever direction is convenient for the moment, depending upon to whom one is talking?  That seems to be the gist of it.

The Reid-Obama “morality” simply means whatever works for me right now to get what I want.  Thus, I guess, in a sense, Senator Reid is right about Republicans losing their moral compass, since in his world morality means whatever he says it means, when he says it, how he says it.

This is the end game of the secularist.  Like Humpty Dumpty, the secularist makes words mean whatever he wants them to mean.  Access to care (i.e. the inalienable right to abortion) is a moral good, so Republicans who seek to limit it are losing their moral compass.  But killing people in Africa and harvesting their body parts for sale is immoral, and those who are doing it have lost their moral compass.  But Planned Parenthood is morally good for helping women maintain their reproductive rights.  But really what we mean when we say reproductive rights is the right to not reproduce in the form of abortion.  Up is down.  Right is left.  Good is evil.  Evil is good.  Confuse people so you can then help them understand why they are so confused and need you to fix it for them.

When we untether ourselves from an understanding that we are beings created in the image of the living God, we lose rationality and morality.  As Stephen Crane wrote so many years ago, the universe feels no "sense of obligation" just because we exist.  In fact, it feels nothing, does nothing, moves nothing, provides nothing, proclaims nothing.  If we insist on this secularist course, our moral and rational worlds come crashing down because no reason for either morality or rationality exist.   I find it ironic that I can quote Ozzy Osbourne here: “Satan laughing, spreads his wings.”[1]  Neither Senator Reid, nor President Obama are rational or moral here.  Both are, quite simply, doing Satan’s work, unintentionally or not.  Their “moral compass” is pointing straight to hell. 

[1] “War Pigs” by Black Sabbath from the album Paranoid.

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