Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Harry Reid - Secular Provocateur and the Anti-Trump "Protests"

Harry Reid referred to Donald Trump as “a sexual predator who lost the popular vote,” and further claimed, “White nationalists, Vladimir Putin and ISIS are celebrating Donald Trump’s victory, while innocent, law-abiding Americans are wracked with fear.”

This is the same Harry Reid, who on the floor of the Senate of the United States, no less, claimed Mitt Romney had not paid taxes when it was absolutely false. 

Reid’s response when Romney’s released tax returns proved that he lied?  “Romney didn’t win, did he?”  Washington Post - Reid Not Sorry He Lied .  

Why, then, does anyone even bother listening to Harry Reid, let alone publish anything he says?  Moreover, are things like shutting down interstate highways, vandalizing cars and buildings, setting fires, and getting into fights the acts of “innocent, law abiding Americans?”  How is that showing they are “wracked  with fear?”  Looks more to me like these folks lack fear and are willing to do whatever they want, regardless of the law.

Harry Reid proves what is absolutely wrong with the many so-called Anti-Trump protests.  These folks have been taught to believe, as Harry Reid does, that the ends justify the means.  In fact, we are seeing a whole language being developed that is downright Orwellian and feeds into this phenomenon. 

I previously posted about a Duke Ph.D. student who explained my “white fragility” and how I was a racist because I don’t accept nonsense like “white privilege” and that words are “violent.”  When you begin to accept, as many of these foolish people have, that words which upset you are “violence” against you, then it becomes very easy to rationalize actual physical violence in return.  People like Harry Reid are frighteningly evil because they have turned things upside down.  Donald Trump is a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. etc. etc. bad guy, and his rhetoric is hateful to blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities, women, immigrants, LGBTQ and anyone else who takes offense at things Trump has said.  Therefore, Trump, according to Harry Reid, is “unleashing hate” which is a form of violence in the current parlance.  Pushing back against this verbal “violence” is not only acceptable but proper and morally necessary, even if it means using actual violence.

In fact, it becomes easy to even argue for actual physical violence in advance of such verbal violence as a way of stopping it before it begins.  (Sounds an awful lot like the hated Bush-era notion of preemptive war – which is incredibly ironic, given that people like Harry Reid claimed what Bush was doing was improper and immoral).

So the protesters aren’t interested in democracy (as they allegedly claim), nor are they interested in any kind of peaceful determination of what they want.  We just had a peaceful election and Mrs. Clinton lost.  These folks, I suppose, are even taking the election results as some kind of  “violence,” because they assume every person who voted for Trump is, by definition, all the things they believe Trump to be.  One sign I saw from an anti-Trump protester said “Your Vote is a Hate Crime.”  Never mind that many Trump voters held their noses and voted for him out of distrust of Hillary Clinton or out of a desire to keep the Supreme Court from becoming just another form of “protest” and not out of love for Trump.  These protesters seem unaware that such a thing as rational behavior even exists.  So they just assume Trump voters are nasty, vile, contemptible human beings who don’t really even deserve to share the same land as the pleasant, virtuous, agreeable human beings that make up Hillary Clinton supporters and protesters.

These protesters are simply pawns in a game they don’t even understand.  People like Harry Reid use them because they are disposable and fungible.  Do they think Harry Reid actually cares about them?  Do they really think Hillary Clinton cares about them?  Should it not dawn on them that any man who will blatantly lie, then gleefully point out his lie got him what he wanted, will turn on them just as quickly?  Has it dawned on them that Hillary Clinton, who has clearly proven herself equally mendacious, would do the same?

Protesting is fine.  But what’s going on here isn’t just protesting.  What’s happening is an entire shift in how we talk about events.  What’s real simply doesn’t matter; it’s only what people feel that matters.  So people “feel” violated and “feel” that the way Trump talked during the campaign was “violent.”  As a result, they feel free to react violently because they have determined it’s morally acceptable.  What’s worse is that the more protests that occur and the more violence that breaks out around these protests, the more police will become involved and the more the protesters will claim they need more violence to offset the “violence” of police being called to keep things under control.  After all, they’ll “feel” scared because police are there, so that gives them a moral right to then react violently, since they have a right to “feel” safe and secure while they’re committing violent protest in the name of stopping the verbal violence unleashed by Donald Trump.

After all, the ends justify the means.  Feels good, right, Harry?

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